MHS Express . . . History on the Run
Created by Alison Aten on 29 Jan 2013 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
MHS Express is the digital imprint from the Minnesota Historical Society Press (MHS Press) of short-form e-books. Be they essays from published works or forthcoming titles or original pieces, MHS Express e-books present quick reads on relevant and compelling topics. Available from popular e-book vendors.
Titles include:
The First Minnesota Volunteers at Gettysburg: The 150th Anniversary by Richard Moe
Excerpted from The Last Full Measure: The Life and Death of the First Minnesota Volunteers
$1.99 E-book, ISBN: 978-0-87351-903-8
A Short History of the Ford Plant: Industrial Archeology and Economic Change in St. Paul
by Brian McMahon and Timothy Glines
The story of the Twin Cities Assembly Plant, which operated from 1925 to 2011 in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul.
$1.99 E-book short, ISBN 978-0-87351-914-4, 20 pages
Minnesota Historical Society Bookstore, kindle, nook, kobo, iTunes
The Good Hmong Girl Eats Raw Laab by Ka Vang
With humor and sensitivity, poet, playwright, and writer Ka Vang examines and critiques what it means to be “a good Hmong girl” in America today. Excerpted from Hmong and American: From Refugees to Citizens.
$0.99 ISBN 978-0-87351-881-9, 25 pages
kindle, nook, kobo, iTunes
Minnesota and the Civil War by Annette Atkins
An overview of how Minnesotans of diverse backgrounds—soldiers, women, African Americans, and Native Americans—served their country during the Civil War. Excerpted from Creating Minnesota: A History from the Inside Out.
$1.99 ISBN: 978-087351-879-6
kindle, nook, kobo, iTunes
A Gravestone Made of Wheat by Will Weaver
The feature film Sweet Land was based on this short story about a Norwegian American farmer and his German immigrant common-law bride. Excerpted from Sweet Land: New and Selected Stories.
$1.99 ISBN: 978-0-87351-880-2
kindle, nook, kobo, iTunes
The Scandinavian Riviera, or, Hovland, Minnesota by Philip J. Anderson
Tells the story of the cooperation and friendship among Norwegians, Swedes, and Swede Finns as they forged a community of strong Scandinavian character. Excerpted from Norwegians and Swedes in the United States: Friends and Neighbors.
$1.99 ISBN: 978-0-87351-882-6
kindle, nook, kobo, iTunes
Previously released:
Henry Sibley and the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 by Rhoda Gilman (December 2012)
Minnesota Voter ID and the National Debate: What You Need to Know by Jim Ragsdale (October 2012)