Secret Partners
Created by Alison Aten on 11 Jun 2013 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Secret Partners
Big Tom Brown and the Barker Gang
Tim Mahoney
Among the most dangerous criminals of the public enemies era was a man who has long hidden in history’s shadows: Tom Brown. In the early 1930s, while he was police chief of St. Paul, Minnesota, Brown became a secret partner of the infamous Barker gang. He profited from their violent crimes, he protected the gang from raids by the nascent FBI—and while he did all this, the gangsters gunned down cops and citizens in his hometown.
Big Tom Brown, six foot five and 275 pounds, continued to enforce St. Paul’s corrupt O’Connor system, allowing criminals to stay in the city as long as they paid off the cops and committed no crimes within fifty miles. But in the early 1930s, the system broke down: no longer supported by cash skimmed from illegal booze, gangsters turned to robbing banks, and the Barker gang kidnapped two of the prominent citizens who had been complicit in the liquor trade. Brown was the insider who kept the criminals safe—but for highly political reasons, he was never convicted of his crimes.
Advance Praise:
“Secret Partners lays to rest the bloody Ma Barker previously generated by Hoover’s myth-making machine and reveals the true hand that rocked the Barker-Karpis cradle—the police brass and political contacts whose power impacted figures of the 1930s Midwest Crime Wave as diverse as the eulogized John Dillinger and the framed Roger Touhy.”
Ellen Poulsen, author of Don’t Call Us Molls: Women of the John Dillinger Gang and The Case Against Lucky Luciano: New York’s Most Sensational Vice Trial
“A well-researched and informative account of police corruption in the 1930s. This book will be an essential source for anyone interested in the gangster era of the 1930s.”
Alston W. Purvis, author of The Vendetta: Special Agent Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger, and Hoover’s FBI in the Age of Gangsters
Tim Mahoney, an editor at the St. Paul Pioneer Press, formerly worked at the San Francisco Chronicle and the Wisconsin State Journal and has also taught journalism and English. He is the author of two novels.
Available September 2013 from Minnesota Historical Society Press
$17.95 paper, 284 pages, 6 x 9, 40 b&w photos, notes, index, bibliography, ISBN: 978-0-87351-904-5
E-book: $12.99, ISBN: 978-0-87351-905-2
Pre-order on amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s
Related: The American Spirits exhibit at the Minnesota History Center, November 9, 2013–March 16, 2014