True Crime E-book Sale
Created by Mary Poggione on 27 May 2015 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Explore the seamy side of Minnesota with these popular true crime titles from the Minnesota Historical Society Press, on sale for $3.99 through the month of June from your favorite e-book vendor.
Stolen from the Garden: The Kidnapping of Virginia Piper
by William Swanson
On a July afternoon in 1972, two masked men waving guns abducted forty-nine-year-old Virginia Piper from the garden of her lakeside home in Orono, Minnesota.
Drawing on closely held government documents and exclusive interviews with family members, investigators, suspects, lawyers, and others intimately connected to the case, William Swanson provides the first comprehensive account of the sensational Piper kidnapping.
Sale price $3.99
Amazon,, Google, iTunes, Kobo
Secret Partners: Big Tom Brown and the Barker Gang
by Tim Mahoney
Among the most dangerous criminals of the public enemies era was a man who has long hidden in history’s shadows: Tom Brown. In the early 1930s, while he was police chief of St. Paul, Minnesota, Brown became a secret partner of the infamous Barker gang. He profited from their violent crimes, he protected the gang from raids by the nascent FBI—and while he did all this, the gangsters gunned down cops and citizens in his hometown.
Sale price: $3.99
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Augie’s Secrets: The Minneapolis Mob and the King of the Hennepin Strip
by Neal Karlen
A treasury of family secrets exposes the seamy underbelly of Minneapolis—gangsters, gambling, brothels, and the social life of organized crime.
Sale price $3.99
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The Rockwell Heist: The Extraordinary Theft of Seven Norman Rockwell Paintings and a Phony Renoir—and the 20-Year Chase for Their Recovery from the Midwest through Europe and South America
by Bruce Rubenstein
When a small midwestern gallery is burgled, artworks by an American icon disappear into the international market for stolen art, but the gallery’s owners refuse to give up the search.
Sale price: $3.99
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Black White Blue: The Assassination of Patrolman Sackett
by William Swanson
A white police officer is assassinated in a troubled St. Paul neighborhood. Thirty-six year later, two African American grandfathers are convicted in controversial trials that force a city to relive a contentious past.
Sale price: $3.99
Amazon,, Google, iTunes, Kobo
Dial M: The Murder of Carol Thompson
by William Swanson
A haunting re-creation of the brutal death of an American housewife, the conviction of her husband, and the family trial at which their children determined for themselves how their father should be charged.
Sale price: $3.99
Amazon,, Google, iTunes, Kobo
Crossing Hoffa: A Teamster’s Story
by Steven J. Harper
A forthright teamster faces off with Jimmy Hoffa in this true saga of corruption, betrayal, intrigue, and courage.
Sale price: $3.99
Amazon,, Google, iTunes, Kobo