Civil War Letters of the Christie Family

Author: Alexander S. Christie
Date: March 25, 1865
Location: Wilmington, Delaware
Addressee: James C. Christie
Description: Alexander, extremely anxious over where he is to be sent, writes to say that he may be headed to Beaufort.

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Wilmington, North Carolina
March 25th 1865

My Dear Father

Came up the river and tied-up to the wharf this forenoon, and are now awaiting orders. It is very probable that we will return to Beaufort N.C. and march to join Sherman from that point. I matters not to us if they will only let us off this cursed steamer and lead us to the front before the fun is over. At Beaufort we will draw arms & accoutrements and if all is true we hear we may have a chance to use them in getting through, Isn't it glorious. Here the Shores are green and bright, peach-trees in full bloom, ducks flying around, and everything my lively. The chance to get letters away will soon be passed so don't find fault with me for not writing more. I take every chance.

Hope you are all well at home, and imagine you employed with the Spring work. Hire plenty, and neither overwork yourself or Dave Hope Dave is peppering chickens & ducks this fine, clear, spring morning.

Had a terrible voyage our, having adverse weather, a poor craft, too little room. All of which you will easily appreciate. Two of the New Yorkers died, one of fever, the other of measles. Many are sick. But it is pretty near at our end, and I, with the majority of the rest, are jubilant.

I have more time. Now mind and hire Hasse [ sp.? ] for a few months and let things run easy. Let Dave have some time to [ ? ] ducks, and try to keep him from going shooting on Sundays.

Don't-fret-about-me, I am in Splendid Spirits.

At Beaufort we expect to get a couple of days to wash up and recruit a little [ ? ] before beginning the march and I will write from there; but after learning Beaufort you may not hear from me for some time.

Love to all,

Your Affectionate Son,
A.S. Christie

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