Civil War Letters of the Christie Family

Author: Thomas D. Christie
Date: September 25, 1862
Location: Corinth, Mississippi
Addressee: James C. Christie
Description: Thomas mentions talk of using Union soldiers in the Sioux uprising in Minnesota. He also transcribes a commendation regarding the Battery's conduct in Iuka.

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Corinth, Sept. 25th, 1862

My Dear Father,

Having recovered somewhat from the feeling of Do-nothing-at-present-ness, consequent on our return from an active campaign to the idleness and regular duty of the camp, I will summon up energy and industry sufficient to write you all that I think will be of interest to you, in answer to that excellent letter of yours dated the –––th, which I hope to get sometime this week.

I wrote two letters to Sarah on the 21st giving an account of our doings at Iuka, and directed her to send them to you, so you have doubtless got them before this. Of our health here I need only say, that we have not a man in the hospital, nor is Sick Call attended by a single one in Camp.

So far from the hardships and excited activity of our life in the field having prostrated or debilitated us, it seems to have had the opposite effect, and left the men in better health than ever before, and eager for another opportunity to fight.

The weather now is very cool and pleasent [sic], the nights being a little too cool for comfort, necessitating the use of all the clothes we can get in order to keep warm. I hear that in the Northern part of Minn. the frost has made its appearance, and I suppose you are beginning to need overcoats in Clyman. This is the very best of weather for aggressive movements, and from certain preparations we see being made it will not be long before we advance — probably in the direction of Vicksburg and from thence to Mobile.

That is if we are not ordered to Minn. which is very far from improbable, as Senator Wilkinson has gone to Washington to urge upon the War Department in person the necessity of sending at once a Reg. of Cavalry and our Battery to the defense of the frontier. This would suit the most of the men including myself, but others object to going up there to “freeze” as they say.

Sept. 26

I have great news to tell you, the Capt. arrived last night with an order from Gen. Pope for the Battery to proceed to the frontier. But it is not of any account unless Grant gives his consent, and it is reported that he is in St. Louis. Captain Munch is looking well and hearty but he has to use a cane yet, as his leg is very weak and he told us this morning that it would be years before it would be sound.

He tells us that Pfeunder has resigned and been appointed to the command of one of our new regiments. I send you the Order issued by Gen. Grant on our return from Iuka.

Headquarters, District of West Tenn.
Corinth Miss, Sept. 20, 1862

Gen. Field Orders,

No 1

The General Commanding takes pleasure in congratulating the two Wings of the Army, commanded respectively by Maj. Gen. Ord and Maj. Gen. Rosecrans, upon the energy, alacrity, and bravery displayed by them on the 19th and 20th inst. in their movement against the enemy at Iuka.

Although the enemy was in number reputed far greater than their own, nothing was evinced by the troops but a burning desire to meet him, whatever his numbers and however strong his position.

With such a disposition as was manifested by the troops on this occasion, their commanders need never fear defeat against anything but overwhelming numbers.

While it was the fortune of the command of Gen. Rosecrans, on the evening of the 19th inst., to engage the enemy in a most spirited fight for more than two hours, driving him with great loss from his position, and winning for themselves fresh laurels, the command of Gen. Ord is entitled to equal credit for their efforts in trying to reach the enemy and in diverting his attention.

And while congratulating the noble living, it is meet that we offer our condolence to the friends of the heroic dead, who offered their lives a sacrifice in defense of constitutional liberty, and in their fate rendered memorable the field of Iuka.

By Command of
Maj. Gen. Grant
John A. Rawlins
Ast. Adjt. Gen.

I will write on receipt of more news in regard to Minn. No more, T. D. Christie

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