Civil War Letters of the Christie Family

Author: Thomas D. Christie
Date: December 9, 1863
Location: Vicksburg, Mississippi
Addressee: James C. Christie
Description: Thomas writes this letter on the back of a circular which calls for donations to the soldiers' lending library organized by the Vicksburg Union Literary Society. The library is the letter's main subject.

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Vicksburg, Dec. 9th, 1863

My Dear Father,

I send you this circular, thinking that you can perhaps get up a box of books in our neighborhood and send it to us. We are in earnest in our endeavors to form a Library, and already it has been started by the bringing in of books from the Camps by members of our Literary Association. So you may be assured that any books you may send will not be lost, The Christian Commission of this city will have charge of the books, as it already has a room filled with them, sent down under the auspices of the Commission in the North. In this room are seats for the soldiers, and any one is welcome to come in at any time and read along as he likes. It is a great blessing to us, but there are not enough books, nor a large enough variety of them to supply the wants of all the soldiers at this Post. The men whose names are signed to the Circular are worthy members of our Association. I will write to Sarah this evening. No more,

Your loving Son, Thos. D. Christie

[Postscript on page one] My term of office as Secretary ended last night and I nominated another man as my successor, as I do not wish to do nothing but "takin notes"

P.S. 41 yrs. Afterward. I could not escape! The boys chose me again. T.D.C. [This appears to be a postscript added ca. 1904]

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