Corinth Miss November 1st. 1862
My Dear Brother. I am very happy to hear that you are all well, and that Prosperity has perched on your banners, that all your labors have been fully rewarded: and that such true Patriotism fills your hearts to overflowing Would I could say that our labors for the Past year had the appearance of being so full of a rich harvest as yours done. But it would seem that let ever so much be done in the way of staying from all the Blessing of civil life, no matter how many go through the gate of the valley of the shadow of Death, by sickness and camp diseases of every kind; how many fall in carnage of Battle, it all seems as though it were for naught. either through the want of energy or wisdom, or what would be worse, want of Loyalty, we are kept in on all hands, and not let do as much as we would and could, for if we had been allowed to have kept on after Van Doren and Price, we would have so used up his army, so that there would be no such rumors as there is now; that is, that they are at Ripely: again: in great force I think it is true: Perhaps if so, I think that they will either stay there: (that is if allowed) or march on south untill they can form a junction with Bragg..(If I had power and all is true that is said about Buell I really would like to hang him): who is reported coming this way. I have know camp news different from what Tom may write so I will try to give you some Idea of the way Corinth is being fortified: since we got it last summer, if I could only draw I would give a sketch, I guess I will try any how; I have tried: and I dewe not send my draft: But I will write. and you can drought for yourself: well sir you must know that Corinth is quite surrounded entirely by timber: with small clearings, here and there on the edges; The Memphis and Mobile railroad running from west to east crosses the Charleston and Columbus R. R. running North and south at nearly right angles. the town stretches east and west being narrower than it is on the Plat, the people building just so, The Generals that have been here in command at several times, has caused the timber to be cut down for a great distance out from the town, it is slashed down in every way so that : there is no way of getting through it, it is call the Abbatis, inside of this there is a line of forts, especialy on the west side of the town, Fort Robinnnett is on the west of the Columbus RR: and North of the Memphis and Mobile RR: very near where they intersect going south, Fort Williams comes next. Then Fort Philips close bye F. P. still south stands the seminary Building. south of that another Fort. Now turning E. there are three more forts: the last three are Part of a doubl lines of Breastworks they are west of the Charleston, R. R. ever one of the Forts are or will be connected by at least a single line of works on the east of the town you may set down as many as four more forts: running West from fort Robinnett there are a line forts; and some more being built; close by the railroad
the government have built a large number of commisary store houses and Blacksmith shops, eingine houses, and in fact every thing that can accommadate a large army, and supply a great tract of Country. now all these buildings are in a basin as well as the greater Part of the town: the forts command the whole of the town, and the outside Country as far as two or three miles. they are on the rim of the Basin. there are some rigments and kompanies in the town. But the greater Part of the command lyes outside the Abbatis in a square our Division lyes on the west and right 17th Wis: ont the right 16th ditto next, with the Kansas behind them, the 18th is next the seventeenth; this constitutes the first Brigade the Bridage is not as large as it should be, for the sixteenth is only as large as three companies, they say that the Doctors has killed all he could, and so with the Battles of Shiloh and Corinth, the rigment is about used up . the other rigments are in need of men to fill them I assure you. to resume, we are next in line to the sixteenth, Then comes an Iowa Brigade, with on of two Ohio Batteries; then comes another two Brigades of mixed troops from different states. so you have our Division on the west line composed of four Brigades: and six Batteries Our Captain is now Brevet Major of Artillery: having charge of the six Batteries. Davies Division joins on to our south end and runs east: through an oppen field, south of Corinth; Stanley's Division I beleive, lyes on the east of the town. I cant say, whether the North is guarded in the same way as the other sides are or not but I beleive it is. Inside of the Breastworks Uncle Sam has had his Black Nefes Boreing some excelent artisean wells, so that if Corinth is invested, water will be very abundaunt: and, sell for something less than five cents a glass. There is some three millions of Dollars worth of Property (and I think if the truth was known more) of new clothes forage and commissary stores mules horses; besides a lot of old Property; left by secesh; and you had better beleive there are men to guard it if secesh should try to get it back. Now we have just had to go out to assembly call and we have got orders to have three days rations and start out tomorrow morning, so I will stop writing at Present.
Now I have done all I can at Present in the way of getting ready; so I will finish this letter to you, for we will be very likely to go in the morning. our Division is going. we have only three pesices as we have not got the disabled Piece Back yet from the shop . So I am going on the wheel of the old Piece. as usual, Dear Brother I always go out with the greatest of pleasure on one of these kind of trips. Tom has voluteered to go too, so we will be together as usual, give my love to all and I will write to Father as soon as I can, so good Bye for the Present: as I am in some of a hurry; we were mustered yesterday for Pay, and now we are in a hurry to go out, on Sunday as usual, so you see we Desecrate the sabbath, more than you do shooting Blackbirds: if secesh in Clyman try to fight; give them buckshot and bullets and spare not if you have the chance to shoot them.
Direct your letters after this, General McArthurs Division. Corinth Miss: via Cario: good night
Your affectionate Brother
William G. Christie