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Ore cars in mine, Hibbing. Location no. HD3.122 r20
Ore cars in mine, Hibbing, ca. 1930

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Two Processes of Digging ore from the Earth
The mining industry in Hibbing fueled an economy that not only built Hibbing, but also developed and strengthened northern Minnesota. Two different methods were used to remove the ore, each of them involving rewards and risks.

Red Wing
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A Natural Resource Creates an Industry
The red clay pits near Red Wing were the perfect source of what would become one of the most widely recognized forms of pottery in America today. The company used its expertise in the design and use of clay to create other consumer products with their materials. One of these products was sewer pipe for city utilities.

St. Anthony
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Between 1870 and 1930, St. Anthony Falls was the flour milling capital of the world, the home of both General Mills and Pillsbury. Flour milling was the economic engine that drove the development of Minneapolis and linked the city to the wheat farms of the Upper Great Plains.